
The Dark Crystal Inspired - Trial By Stone Crystal - Quote T-Shirt [CUSTOM]




In The Dark Crystal movie (see video clip below), the ceremony used by the Skeksis to settle any type of conflict is referred to as a "Trial by Stone." Although, the ritual is known as "Haakskeekah" in the Skeksis alien language, it didn't translate well when Jim Henson was working on the movie, so the name was simplified into something a bit more obvious to viewers. So, there is our first deep fact for you. 

Anyway, the Trial By Stone ceremony simply consisted of each Skeksis (only two), striking the a large stone as hard as they could in an attempt to break off the largest peace which would declare them the winner. It's actually a major plot point in the movie since the death of Emperor SkekSoSkekUng the Garthim-Master and SkekSil, the Chamberlain, participate in a Trial by Stone in a fierce rivalry for the throne. The Garthim-Master emerges triumphant by chopping off the entire top half of the stone, shocking the rest of the court and leading the Chamberlain to be banished from the castle (and stripped naked before doing so).

OK, we're getting a little too nerdy on this one! The Dark Crystal is obviously one of our favorite movies, and if it's yours as well you're going to need this shirt. Typically, people have NO idea what the reference is from which is crazy since it's such a turning point in the movie and is chanted several times by the Skeksis. So, wear this shirt and easily weed out the true fans from those who just hop on the trendy train.



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